Plant-Based Summer Cooking Workshop

Date postponed – with Leslie Page

The birds are chirping
the flowers are blooming
high time to let
the aperitif outside

Apero o'clock cooking workshop with Leslie Page. At a young age, she questioned the meat and fish industry, which led her to investigate. And immediately it became clear to her: she wanted absolutely nothing to do with those gruesome scenes. Thus, at the age of 14, she took the step towards a vegetarian diet. A few years later, she also realized that the dairy industry was not so innocent at all and logically jumped straight into the vegan van.

Na het vele experimenteren bloeide haar wereld meer en meer open. Talrijke groenten, plantaardige eiwitten, verrassende bindmiddelen en ontelbaar heerlijke kruiden vulden haar kookpotten. Recepten lezen werd een nieuwe hobby en hup… De keuken werd haar favoriete stek. Een nieuwe passie werd ontdekt! En passies zijn er om te delen, vindt ze. Zo brengt ze haar visie, haar manier van leven op een ongedwongen manier over in deze plant-based summer workshop.

During this workshop, you will get the chance to discover and experiment with culinary and healthy plant-based cuisine. Learn how to conjure up easy peasy snacks on the terrace table in no time! The menu includes Houmous Roulette, Puresin Stuffed Mushrooms, Tzaziki Bites, Sweet Potato Tartes, Quiche Muffins and so much more! Keep those balmy summer evenings coming!

We start promptly at 18:30

+- €97 per persoon.

Includes the recipe bundle* and a cosy apero!

Please bring your own knife, cutting board and apron.

(recipe sheets are forwarded electronically)