About us

Illie Mangaro is the brainchild of Ilse Cuvelier, cook, food lover, sports freak and conscious citizen of the world. In 2008, after years of experience in the corporate world, Ilse decided to follow her passion and make the career switch that would drastically change her life. She followed her love for food & events and started her own catering service: Illie Mangaro.

Illie Mangaro's concept and food is steeped in Ilse's other great passion: travelling. During her world travels, Ilse enjoys studying local cuisine and working as a guest chef. She likes to share this knowledge in her cooking workshops.

Ilse dreamed of a place where she could come home and spoil her guests with conscious food. After years of searching, she opened her food lodge at Dok Noord at the end of 2015, where you can enjoy a healthy lunch, an original workshop or your own event … ‘ a place where food lovers meet. ’

Met Illie Mangaro hoopt Ilse de wereld kleurrijker, gezonder en bewuster te maken. Gelijkgestemden verenigen zich rond een rijk gevulde tafel en inspireren gasten met ‘geluksmomenten’ die lang duren …

Illie nodigt u graag uit voor meer “Pure, Healthy, Worldly events” in haar food lodge.

See you soon?

With love, Illie


LIONEL – Onze accountmanager
ROBBE – Onze financiële CFO
CHRISTIAN – Onze echte foodie en de beste barman
Victor – Onze marketing en communicatie student